First Holy Communion & Reconciliation
(Grades 1, 2 and 3)
"This is my body,
which will be given for you; do this in memory of me."
The Sacrament of Holy Communion, also known as Eucharist, is a sacred occasion for all Catholics. During the Sacrament of Holy Communion, Christians receive and eat the body and blood of Christ Jesus, and they enter into unity with Christ and the Church. The Church encourages all its members, in a state of grace, to partake of Holy Communion weekly at the Sunday Mass.
For children, their First Holy Communion is celebrated annually in late spring. In order to participate in the celebration of First Holy Communion, children attend weekly Parish Religious Education (PRE) classes from September through May as part of a two-year program. PRE helps children attain the Church requirement of “sufficient knowledge and careful preparation so as to understand the mystery of Christ according to their capacity, and receive the Body of the Lord with faith and devotion.”

The focus of Grade 1-
Communion I / First Reconciliation
Our first year focuses on the Person of Jesus.
First Graders are beginning to move into a communion
and intimacy with Jesus Christ.
This program acts as an introduction to a relationship
with Jesus and the Church community.
The focus of Grade 2-
Communion II
Our second year introduces the child to God’s rules and guidelines for living. The children are also taught the parts of the Mass and what the Church teaches about the Sacraments. Preparation for Reconciliation and Eucharist are an important part of this exciting year.
The focus of Grade 3:
The Church and this year our third graders will learn that our Church is one, holy, catholic and apostolic – and what that means.