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Welcome Letter from our Pastor


Dear Friends,

On behalf of the Saints Philip and James Parish community, welcome to our website. Saints Philip and James is a large (4,200 families) Roman Catholic Parish located in St. James, Long Island, New York. The parish was founded over 100 years ago, and continues to be a welcoming and growing community of disciples of Jesus Christ.


​Our mission is to “Let all be received as Christ.”  We strive to do this through joining together in prayer, service, learning and outreach.  We seek, find, and celebrate God’s loving presence in all aspects of our lives -- through our liturgical worship, our sacramental programs, our educational and spirituality offerings, our assistance to those in need and our social and family connections.


We hope you will explore our website and also explore our parish.  The Pastoral Team and staff of the parish are available to be of assistance and service. If we can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us.


​Like our patrons, Sts. Philip and James, we seek to be Apostles of Hope. We are the church together and invite you to visit with us in person. As our Patron Saint Philip said, “Come & See.”

 Father Thomas J. Haggerty

Website Ministry

Dominick Avento- Administrator

Virginia Portanova- Webmaster

Pastoral Staff

  • Rev. Thomas J. Haggerty 

  • Father Joe Lobo,

           Associate Pastor

  • Sister Theresita Donach, CSFN
    Pastoral Associate

  • Deacon Ronald Blasius (in memory)

  • Deacon John Keenan

  • Deacon Kenneth Maher (in memory)


  • Mrs. Margaret Adams 
       Director of Music

Outreach  Ministry

  •   Lynn Sisti
    Coordinator of Parish Social Ministry

Faith Formation of Children & Youth

  • Ms. Diane Anderson 
       Principal of our Parish School


  • Ms. Sandra Rago

  •        Youth Minister

  • Mrs. Barbara Luna
    Religious Education Administrator

    • Mrs. Charlotte Czjuko
      Coordinator of Grades 1 - 3

    • Mrs. Barbara Luna   
         Coordinator of Grades 4 - 6

    • Mr. Dominick Avento III
         Coordinator of  Grades 7 - 8

Write Us:

1-631-584-5454 (Parish Center Main Office)

1-631-862-9675 (Main Fax)


One Carow Place

St. James, New York 11780

Visitors to our site:

Saints Philip and James RC Church

One Carow Place

St. James, New York 11780 

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@2017 by SSPJ RC Church.

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