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Welcome Letter from our Pastor

Website Ministry
Dominick Avento- Administrator
Virginia Portanova- Webmaster
Pastoral Staff
Father Sean Magaldi
Pastor -
Father Joe Lobo,
Associate Pastor
Father Dennis Gannon
Associate Pastor
Sister Theresita Donach, CSFN
Pastoral Associate -
Deacon John Keenan
Mrs. Margaret Adams
Director of Music
Outreach Ministry
Lynn Sisti
Coordinator of Parish Social Ministry
Faith Formation of Children & Youth
Ms. Diane Anderson
Principal of our Parish School
Ms. Sandra Rago
Youth Minister
Mrs. Barbara Luna
Religious Education Administrator-
Mrs. Charlotte Czjuko
Coordinator of Grades 1 - 3 -
Mrs. Barbara Luna
Coordinator of Grades 4 - 6 -
Mr. Dominick Avento III
Coordinator of Grades 7 - 8
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