
Celebrated twice per month.
Parents are asked to register at the
Pastoral Center for the
Pre-Baptism Program.
"I baptize you in the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
We are excited to help you with the baptism of your child. Baptism brings new life into the Church and the parish.
Please contact our Pastoral Associate, Sr. Theresita to schedule an appointment. 631-584-5454 x 214
Baptism - the first of our sacraments - welcomes us into the Church.
The sacrament of Baptism gifts us and challenges us to be disciples of Jesus Christ, committed to continually living out his call
to love and to serve God and one another.
Baptism of Infants and Young Children
There are several steps in our parish children’s Baptism program:
an initial meeting with a pastoral staff member to both give and receive information;
a welcoming blessing with our parish at a Sunday Mass;
a pre-Baptism class for first time parents;
the celebration of the sacrament of Baptism with family and the parish community.
Our parish celebrates Baptisms two Sundays a month.
First step: Please call the Parish Center (631) 584-5454 to arrange an appointment.
This may be done before the baby is born or soon afterward. During this appointment, arrangements for the class date (when required), the pre-Baptism Mass date and the Baptism date will be arranged. Godparent information will also be taken.
Regarding Godparents - Asking someone to serve as Godparent for your child is an important decision. Being a godparent is an honor, but it is also a responsibility. During the Baptism ceremony, godparents are asked to commit to helping the parents live out their faith responsibilities to their children. Godparents, then, are very special in the life of their godchild. They are people whom you choose with great care, for they will be examples and role models for years to come. To help parents make wise choices for the privilege of being godparents, the Church has specific requirements.
Godparents must be fully initiated Catholics (having received Baptism, Confirmation, and Communion), sixteen years of age or older and who are actively living their Catholic faith.
If there are to be two godparents (only one is
required), one must be male and one
female godparent.
A baptized non-Catholic Christian may act as a
sponsor along with one Catholic godparent. This
person is called a “Christian witness”.
Of course, this is only the beginning!
Living the sacrament of Baptism is a lifelong process
for your child, for you, for the church.
We continue this journey together!

"Baptism is the sacrament of rebirth as a child of God sanctified by the Holy Spirit in union with Jesus, in the cleansing of original sin and of personal sins, which properly welcomes one into the community of the Church. This permanently relates the baptized to God with a relationship that can never be erased, and will
forever join them to the priestly, prophetic, and kingly works of Christ."
- Basic Teaching for Catholic Educators, National Conference of Catholic Bishops